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Monday, July 19, 2010

more photos coming up...

but first my horoscope from the Ugandan paper that my host brother shares with me every night.

"Today it is likely you will be attracted to those who come from different backgrounds from yourself. You are also likely to be energetically chasing new goals and wanting to make fresh starts. you will be more adventurous than you have been for a while. "
Those dang Ugandan psychics know everything! It's all so true. Black men are hot. Rwanda is an adventure. And my life is one big goal chasing experience.

This weekend we have planed a trip to a city I can never remember the name of. It's on the border of Congo and Rwanda. There's a big lake called Kivu. I'm hoping to accomplish one life goal there but i'm afraid i'll get deported...we shall see.

Meanwhile - PHOTOS!!!

Our School:
Will try to do more photos this afternoon. Love you all!

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